Midweek Begins
Midweek at Highlands
Join us Wednesday, January 15 as we begin our Spring semester of Midweek at Highlands! The serving line opens at 5:15pm in the Atrium. Adult elective classes begin at 6:00 (see below for topics). Children have playtime at 5:30, music in the sanctuary at 5:55, and teaching time at 6:15 (ages and topics are available here). Youth gather in The U at 5:30, play games at 5:45, and have worship and teaching at 6:15. All activities end by 7:00. Adult meals are $6 each and kids’ meals are $4 each (family max is $24).

Junior High Encounter Retreat 2025
Sixth-eighth grade students, join us at the Encounter Retreat at Twin Lakes Camp in Florence, MS. We will join other churches from the MS Valley Presbytery for a weekend full of bible teaching, new and old friends, fellowship and fun! Austin Lenox, former FPCYM intern with First Pres, is an assistant pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Memphis. Prior to seminary he attended Mississippi State University and worked as a counselor at Alpine Camp for Boys in the summers. After college he worked as an RUF intern at University of Tennessee. Austin is married to Meredith and father to their daughter, Rivers. We are thrilled to have him join us in teaching at Encounter this year! Theme: Habits of Grace

Young Adults Longleaf Trace Hike
Young Adults Pickleball this Saturday, March 29th, 9:30am: Because of bad weather predicted, the Longleaf Trail walk for young adults has been changed to pickleball in the HPC gym at 9:30 am. We'll play on the three courts at the church and finish with lunch provided. Come and invite friends!

Songwriters' Evening
Highlands is excited to have the opportunity to host another Songwriters' Evening with our own Allie and Mike Murphy (our Music Director), Kevin Williford and friends! Can art and fellowship belong together? Can songs and story inspire faith? Come find out! Join Highlands and local songwriters for an evening of music, community, and light refreshments. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite a friend. We would love to see you there Sunday March 30th from 5-7pm!

MS Valley Presbytery Women's Ministry "Called To Connect" Conference
All Highlands Ladies are invited to the "Called to Connect” Conference hosted by MS Valley Presbytery Women’s Ministry on Saturday, April 5, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson with speaker, Elizabeth Turnage. The registration fee is $20 and includes lunch. Registration is open until March 24. Register HERE

The Highlands' Young Adults group will hold our quarterly meeting called Foundations on Monday evening, April 7, 2025 at 6-8pm. We will gather in the Atrium for a delicious dinner prepared by Hal and Barb Martin. Following dinner, we will enjoy fellowship, teaching, and discussion led by Rev. Wesley Rule, the Young Adults ministry coordinator. This year, we will explore the teaching theme "From the Mouth of God," focusing on the transformative experience of delighting in the Bible. What a wonderful opportunity for Highlands young adults to grow in the knowledge of God's word and learn together.

Holy Week 2025
Make plans to join us next month for Holy Week at Highlands!
April 13: Palm Sunday Morning Worship 9:00-10:15 a.m. (Children sing during Morning Worship) Sunday School Communities 10:30-11:30 a.m.
April 18: Good Friday Worship Service 6:30 p.m. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be observed.
April 20: Easter Sunday Morning Worship 9:00-10:15 a.m. Sunday School Communities 10:30-11:30 a.m.
The Highlands Cross will be located outside the West Atrium doors on Easter Sunday morning. Bring a flower or two from your yard or the store to put on the cross. It’s a great backdrop for family Easter photos!
Reverend Brad Mercer, Reverend Wesley Rule, and Reverend Joseph Wheat will be bringing us a sermon series called "Easter Through the Eyes of John”. John was often called "the disciple that Jesus loved." Among the twelve disciples, Jesus was closest to Peter, James, and John. John might have been the one who had the closest personal relationship with Jesus (Yes, he was a real person with real friends). It's fascinating to see the Triumphal Entry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Christ from John's perspective. John shares details that the other gospel writers do not. So, join us this Holy Week 2025 as we reflect, worship, and celebrate through the eyes of "the disciple that Jesus loved,." Come deepen your own love for Christ.

Highlands at 5 Young Adults and Lighthouse
Highlands at 5 Young Adults and Lighthouse communities, join us April 13 at 5pm in the Atrium for singing, teaching, fellowship, and food. We will be diving into the book of 1 Peter, and we encourage you to invite others to this event!

Highlands Church Picnic
Highlands Church Picnic: Join us on Sunday, May 4, from 5 to 7 p.m. at Highlands for the annual church picnic. Our kids will play on space jumps and outdoor games while we enjoy live music under the tent. BBQ sandwich dinners are available for $5 family max is $20 to be paid in person. Hot dog option available. Pay at the event using cash, check, or QR code.

Vacation Bible School "True North- Trusting Jesus in a Wild World"
VBS Volunteers needed! True North VBS 2025 ~ June 2-6, 9:00am to 12:00pm: Join in the fun at True North VBS as you watch kids discover that they can trust Jesus in a wild world! Please register your child HERE.
Adult volunteers are needed to guide them through various activities such as Bible study, games, crafts and recreation. Please sign up here.

Student Ministry Summer Retreat June 16th- 20th at Adventure Ocoee
Youth Summer Retreat June 16th- 20th at Adventure Ocoee!
Who: All youth are invited, and youth friends are welcome too! Please let me know if you as a parent would like to be a chaperone as well – would love to have you! We will be meeting up with Lakeway Presbyterian Church from Morrisville, TN, led by Thomas Callen. Thomas is a very close friend of mine. We went to Belhaven together and we have dreamed of doing ministry together again! Thomas and I got to serve on Belhaven’s RUF servant team, as Resident Assistants, and did just about everything else together as well. Thomas is a RTS Jackson graduate and has been a youth director, camp director, and now just joined Lakeway Pres full-time as of January 1st. He is one of the best guys I know, and you all will love him, if you don’t already know him! He and his wife did attend Highlands for years as well, back in the day.
What: We will be enjoying Adventure Ocoee with many activities like rock climbing/ropes course, paintball and more! There will be different teaching times each day as well.
When: We will leave June 16th and we will stop for lunch along the way. We will spend three full days there (four nights) and then head back after breakfast on June 20th.
Where: Adventure Ocoee is located right outside of Chattanooga, TN and is about a 6-and-a-half-hour drive. 186 Hawkins Drive, Ocoee, TN 37361
Why: We all need breaks and fun! In addition to the fun though, we do want the students coming away to know that digging deeper into the bible and learning more is a high priority of this trip as well. I am so looking forward to having this time to get away as a group and hope that it is refreshing as we continue to draw near to our Lord and Savior!
How: The number of students attending will affect what kind of transportation will be needed. We will be driving there though! I will send a registration form to you all soon, so that we can start making plans accordingly.
January 15th, 2025: Mid-week begins, 5:15-7:00pm
February 2: Inquirer’s Class begins
March 28-30th: Student Ministry Junior High Retreat
March 30: Songwriters’ Evening
April 13: Palm Sunday. Children sing during Morning Worship
April 18: Good Friday Worship Service - 6:30 p.m. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be observed.
April 20: Easter Sunday
May 4: Church picnic
June 2-6: Vacation Bible School