Welcome To Highlands!
Living a meaningful life with God and others is not always easy. When we are busy, what is urgent can overshadow what is essential. At Highlands, the essential starts with worship. Please join us for a Sunday worship service soon (or join us on our live stream or Facebook Live.)
Together, in Christ, we're seeking to learn and love. We are learning the truths of the Bible and how to pray. Our Vision for Highlands to be "A Redeemed Community (living out God’s grace and love together) ... Reaching Out at the Intersections of Life and Culture.” Highlands is a welcoming and caring body of believers. We want to live our lives in a way that shows and tells others about Christ. This happens both through our various ministries and individually. You will find connections with Highlands this week and upcoming opportunities on this website. We hope to hear from you or meet you soon.
By His grace,
Joseph Wheat
Senior Pastor

Who We Are
We are a redeemed community, reaching out at the intersections of life and culture.
Here are our four core values.
Worship means the development of hearts that look to God in reverence and celebration. God’s glory demands hearts and minds that focus on his glorious attributes and his mighty works. A biblical theology of worship emphasizes both the Transcendence (that God is holy, and above and beyond his creation) and the Immanence of God (the transcendent God is with us through Jesus Christ, Immanuel). God is both ultimately great and gracious. It’s about reverence and joyful praise to God.
This value of Worship develops a heart for corporate worship, and a heart for private worship. That’s why prayer is at the heart of it.
Teaching means to communicate the truths of the Bible so that people learn and apply them. Teaching is not just informative. Because it is empowered by the Holy Spirit and grounded in the Word, it is also transformative. God’s people should be lifetime learners with a goal not only to be “hearers” of the Word, but “doers” of it as well.
“Nurture” means personally attending to the care and development of people in Christ. It is ministering to the “whole person” – to people’s spiritual, emotional, and physical needs in the context of personal relationships.
Reaching means seeking to be faithful to do our part in fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission — locally and in all the world. We accomplish this through evangelism, mercy ministry, church planting, and world missions

What We Believe
We believe in the Word of God.
We believe in the good news of Jesus Christ, and that the Bible is the very Word of God to man. God has revealed himself in two ways – through nature and in Scripture. The Bible is necessary for a true and saving knowledge of God.
We are Evangelical
Along with Christians throughout the world and in centuries past, we proclaim the gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. The term evangelical comes from the Greek word meaning “good news.” Our hope is for all people to trust in the saving work of Jesus and to enjoy the gift of eternal life in him.
We are Reformed
We believe in the biblical truths proclaimed during the Protestant Reformation. The Word of God, rather than tradition, is the only guide for the Church. God alone saves through his immeasurable mercy and according to his sovereign plan. We believe the system of doctrine taught in the Bible is summarized well in the Westminster Confession of Faith with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
We are Presbyterian
Highlands is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America. https://pcanet.org/about-the-pca/ As a Presbyterian church, we have a representative form of church government that includes officers serving as elders and deacons. Our church is governed by a “Session” made up of elders (presbyters) elected by the members of the congregation. Our elders also participate on the regional and national level within our denomination.