Highlands Presbyterian Children’s Ministry


VBS Volunteers needed! True North VBS 2025 ~ June 2-6, 9:00am to 12:00pm:  Join in the fun at True North VBS as you watch kids discover that they can trust Jesus in a wild world!  Adult volunteers are needed to guide them through various activities such as Bible study, games, crafts and recreation.  Please sign up here.

Vacation Bible School

 Highlands Presbyterian Children’s Ministry

“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

—Matthew 19:14, NKJV

  • Nursery

    Our ministry to children begins with our youngest members. We offer nurseries for infants through 3 year olds each Sunday morning and Wednesday evenings each semester. Children are placed in a class depending on their age as of September 1 of that year and/or their level of development.

  • Pre-K4 through Elementary

    A vital part of our ministry is the children of our church. Many volunteers serve each year to make sure that our kids are taught the truths of Scripture and experience the love of Jesus from someone other than their parents.

Children’s Events

Each year we enjoy the following events:

  • February ~ Kids Missions Fest

  • May ~ Highlands Church Picnic

  • June ~ Vacation Bible School

  • October ~ Reformation Celebration

  • December ~ A Highlands Family Christmas