Make a Faith Promise 2025 Pledge HERE

We would like to see every family at Highlands involved in giving through Faith Promise. To continue supporting our current missionaries, we need $150,000 in Faith Promise giving.

Make A One Time Faith Promise Gift HERE

If you would like to make a Faith Promise gift now, please provide the information at the link above.

February 16-23

2025 Missions Festival, “Shine The Light.”

The Festival began on Wednesday, February 19, with our church-wide Missions Festival dinner. Everyone gathered to enjoy a delicious Filipino meal and to take part in a panel discussion with our missionaries. Meanwhile, the children had their own missions celebration upstairs, featuring a pizza party, international costumes, music, crafts, and a chance to learn about our short-term missions.

On Thursday, February 20, the Highlands Sunday School Communities met both in the Atrium and in homes to fellowship and hear from our supported missionaries: Teresa Wilson, Bob & Andrea Burnham, Jonah, Franklin and Beth Beaver, and Jim and Bubbles Delfin. It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with them personally and learn more about their ministries.

On Friday evening, February 21, our Missions Committee members shared a meal with the missionaries in the home of Craig and Julie Crosland.Our current Missions Commitee members are Joseph Wheat, Craig Crosland, Brad Tisdale, Chip Johnson, David Harbaugh, Lynn Johnson, Terry Sensing, and Clay Quarterman( ex officio).

Saturday, February 22, was filled with food and fellowship! The men began the day with a hearty breakfast in the Fellowship Hall, where Jonah, their guest speaker, delivered a powerful message. Later that day, the women gathered in the Atrium for a luncheon featuring taco salads, where they heard from Teresa Wilson, Beth Beaver, and Bubbles Delfin. Overall, it was an enriching day of fellowship and learning, as Highlands had the chance to hear firsthand from missionaries and gain a deeper understanding of the impact their work has in advancing God's Kingdom worldwide.

On Sunday, February 23rd, the Highlands Missions Festival continued with our Worship Service. The children of Highlands sang "Send the Light!" and Mike Hillerman shared an update on the recent short-term mission trip to San Salvador. Mr. Jim Delfin preached a sermon from Third John titled "Shine the Light, Together!" He reminded us that those serving on the mission field are "in the well," while those of us at home are "holding the rope," highlighting that both roles are essential in advancing God's kingdom abroad.

Following the service, the Youth and Adult Communities gathered in the Fellowship Hall to hear from missionaries Franklin Beaver and Teresa Wilson. A heartfelt thank you to our missionaries, the Missions Committee, and everyone who cooked, served, and volunteered throughout the week. It was an insightful time of getting to know our missionaries personally, learning about their experiences on the mission field, and discovering ways to better support and pray for them.

Please join us on Sunday, March 9, as we conclude our Missions Festival with a final sermon from Joseph Wheat. This will also be the opportunity to make your Faith Promise Commitment pledge.

Visit HERE to view all photos of the week.

  • Mission to the World - see our supported missionaries below.

    World Missions is a vital part of the vision and core values of Highlands Presbyterian Church. Worship, Teaching, Nurture...REACHING! “Reaching” means to take our place as partners in ministry together, seeking to be faithful to do our part in fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission to strengthen His church and extend His Kingdom through the proclamation of the Gospel at home and abroad. Highlands “reaches” out in three areas of ministry: Home Missions, World Missions, and Mercy Ministry. For World Missions, we will seek to do this by praying for our missionaries, keeping in touch with our missionaries, providing monetary support to individual missionaries and agencies through Faith Promise, and organizing and supporting Highlands’ short-term mission teams. We would love to raise up and support people within our congregation to consider long-term service on the mission field if the Lord is calling them there. We seek to offer warm, loving hospitality to missionaries that visit our church, giving them the opportunity to share with us God’s work through them in their particular place of service. We also try to send our people “there” from time to time to be an encouragement and help to our missionaries on the field. The biggest World Missions event of the year is our annual Missions Festival. Missionary guests, a challenging speaker, and multiple opportunities for growth and fellowship make this a special time in the life of our church.

  • Mission to North America (Home Missions)

    The Home Missions Ministry of Highlands reaches out through church planting, campus ministries, and the support of other ministries and institutions we believe in within North America.

    Ministries We Support :

    Church Planting
    Campus Ministries
    Other Ministries and Institutions

  • Short-Term Mission Opportunities

    Bahamas, anyone? A team of singles, couples, and families with older children is needed to serve at a summer day camp for children in Nassau, Bahamas, July 27 through August 2. They will serve alongside our missionaries, Tim and Beverly Hart. More information and a signup for those interested will be available at the welcome table in the Atrium

Our Supported Missionaries

Teresa Wilson, USA, with Japanese Team

Craig and Stacy Pohl, Japan

Trey and Kiki Adams, Thailand

Brent Kooi, Australia

Tim and Bev Hart, Bahamas

Lenden and Gemma Fleeman, Spain

Derek and Shannon Ebbers, Romania

Scott and Christine Devries, Turkey

Bob and Andrea Burnham, Ukraine

Jon and Tracy Eide, Ukraine

Andrew Sheppard, Ukraine

Jonathan and Olya Powell, Ukraine

Daniel and Katie Brink, Belgium

Nate and Nikki Bonham, Columbia

Manny and Terri Bersach, Columbia

Rick and Betty Aschmann, Ecuador

Rodney and Janna Davila, El Salvador

Abigail Conroy, El Salvador

Libby Sciano, El Salvador

Josh and Liz Johnson, Honduras

Franklin and Beth Beaver, USA

Mike and Robin McMahan, USA

Glenn and Sharlene Grubb, International (USA)

Alex and Irena Ponomarev, USA Slavic Tribes (USA)

Richard Pratt, Third Millennium Ministries (USA)

Jonah, Muslim Ministries (USA)

Deddy Simanjuntak, Indonesia

Jim and Bubbles Delfin, Philippines

Clarke and Krystya Norton, Ukraine

Doug and Masha Shepherd, Ukraine

Current Missions Committee Members:

Joseph Wheat

Craig Crosland

Brad Tisdale

Chip Johnson

David Harbaugh

Lynn Johnson

Terry Sensing

Clay Quarterman( ex officio)

Faith Promise Goals

Below are our goals for 2025 Faith Promise Giving.

BASE – $150,000

  • Support our current missionaries

STRETCH – $151,250

  • Add a missionary

  • Add funding for short-term, support, trips

HALLELUJAH! – $166,650

  • Add special projects funding

  • Increase funding for current missionaries

Goal to increase the number of participants to 150.

Highlands Missions Team Returns from El Salvador

Our Highlands missions team ( David Harbaugh, Karen Thomas, Mike & Cristy Hillerman, and Chip, Cindy & Miles Johnson) returned safely from their trip to El Salvador on October 5th.  They served alongside Missions To the World missionaries in church planting work. This was accomplished through conversational English classes and mercy ministry to the homeless and those struggling with addiction. It was an eye opening trip as they got a glimpse of understanding just how much goes into starting a church plant in a different culture. Much of what the group did involved helping the missionary team make connections and contacts with people. This was done with the goal of creating relationships possibly for the future church plant.  They did a lot of interacting  with university students who are learning English. Most had never spoken to native English speakers before. Our team worked with an established mercy ministry group that works with the homeless and other marginalized populations. They spent an afternoon passing out meals to the homeless. Highlands missions team also traveled around the city and surrounding areas alongside the MTW team to become a little more familiar with the country, the culture, and the history of El Salvador. 

Praise God for health and safety for our team and that they made it back home safely. Pray for encouragement for the MTW team in El Salvador, continued growth and transformation in the region, and that lives would be changed through this mission. Thank you to our team for serving and representing Highlands! See full photos gallery HERE.