Women’s Ministry
Seeking to manifest the love of God as we share our lives with one another.
Women’s Gathering~ Grace Revealed February 7 & 8, 2025
This past weekend, on February 7th and 8th, Highlands hosted a wonderful women's gathering with the theme “Grace Revealed.” Several women from our church shared teachings on the means of grace and how we can access it. The weekend kicked off on Friday night in the beautifully decorated Atrium, where the ladies enjoyed a delicious meal of pork tenderloin, catered by Rosemary & Thyme. Afterward, they gathered in the sanctuary for hymn singing and the first session, taught by Terry Sensing, which focused on The Word. The evening concluded with hot cocoa and a time of fellowship.
Saturday morning began bright and early at 8:30 with hot cocoa, freshly baked muffins, and coffee. The women spent time chatting and fellowshipping before heading back to the sanctuary for more singing. The morning included teachings from three different speakers: Cindy Mercer shared insights on the sacrament of communion, Anna Shinnick spoke on prayer, and Susan Graves focused on fellowship. After each session, the ladies broke into small groups for a rich time of reflection and further discussion. A delicious brunch, including quiches, oatmeal, and fruit, was served, also catered by Rosemary & Thyme. Fun door prizes were awarded throughout the weekend.
In addition, the ladies partnered with Canton Kids Club to provide a special luncheon for the mothers of children in their program. Donations were taken during the event and over $300 was collected to support this initiative.
A huge thank you to everyone who led, taught, served, prepared meals, set up, cleaned up, and contributed to making this gathering such a beautiful and enriching experience! See a gallery of photos from the event HERE.
Women’s Spring Bible Studies begin January 15!
Times and topics are listed below.
9:30a.m. ~ Room 212 ~ Mom-to-Mom ~ Laurie Nordan
Abide: A Study of 1, 2, & 3 John by Jen Wilkin
9:30a.m. ~ Room 210 ~ Becky Brown
Hoping for Something Better: A Study of Hebrews by Nancy Guthrie
6:00p.m. ~ Room 212 ~ Leigh Taylor & Olivia Strain
You’re Only Human: How Your Limits Reflect God’s Design and Why That’s Good
6:00p.m. ~ Room 301 ~ Robyn Farber & Sissy Jackson
Hinged: Vitally Connected to Christ & His Church ~ A Study of Ephesians
Thursday - Begins January 9
9:00a.m. ~ Room 210 ~ Saundra Dewey
Precepts: Isaiah Part 1 & 2 ~ Zoom is also available.
7:00a.m. ~ Room 210 ~ Marilyn Tinnin & Cindy Mercer
The Sermon on the Mount by Sinclair Ferguson
Contact Laurie Nordan for more information.
601-941-3488 ~ laurie@highlandspca.org
Who is included?
A woman is officially a member of the Women’s Ministry if she has joined the church and is at least 21 years of age or post-college.

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe.”
—Ephesians 1:18-19, NASB